How to Replace the Chain
The chain is anti-rust and has passed 650 hours of salt spray test, which is more durable.
ATTENTION: If you cannot install the part correctly, and follow these steps safely, we suggest you find a certified bike mechanic for assembly, maintenance and repair.
Tool and part: the new chain, chain cutter, chain hook device, a pair of gloves
1. Wear gloves to avoid oil on the chain.
2. Hook the chain with the chain hook device, to prevent the chain from springing off.

3. Choose a chain pin randomly, place the chain on the fixed base of the chain cutter, and align the selected chain pin with the top shaft of the screw.

4. Rotate the screw to make the top shaft support the chain pin then continue to rotate the screw until the chain part. Be careful not to push the chain shaft out of the chain.

5. Remove the chain hook device and the chain, Note the original chain installation at the derailleur.

6. Clamp the derailleur cable cap with needle nose pliers and remove it.

7. Hook the chain with the chain hook device for easier installation.

8. Put the inner plate into the outer plate, then put the chain into the chain cutter fixed base. Align the chain pin with the top shaft of the screw.
9. Make sure the top shaft support the chain pin correctly and then rotate the screw until the chain pin is installed fully.
10. Remove the chain hook device.
1. Check that the chain perfom well.
2. Press the button “i”to turn on the e-bike system, turn the shifter to check whether the derailleur system can work normally.